City & Climate Townhall – December 7

The world’s climate attention is focused on the national leaders at COP15 & COP27, but much of our emissions are under municipal control. 

How can Kingston meet the 50% by 2030 target required by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change?

What can we do to respond to the climate crisis at the municipal level, as the provincial government decimates local planning and conservation?

 Just Recovery Kingston and Kingston Youth Climate Action are sponsoring a City and Climate Town Hall online, December 7, with these great panelists discussing opportunities and obstacles for climate justice at the local level:

-Ian Borsuk, Environment Hamilton
-Alison Gu, Burnaby city councillor
-Mary Jane Philp, 350 Kingston

Registration is required for this free event. Click here to register

This event is cosponsored by the Providence Centre for Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation

Municipal Election Toolkit

We have an election for mayor and city council coming this October. Just Recovery Kingston members have created a toolkit for you, the local person who might be wondering how a local election could matter. We’ve done the research, talked to others doing similar work, and created a list of some of the policies that would make living in Kingston better. We want you to read them, talk to people about them, share them — and ask anyone who wants your vote what they think about them.

Click here for your copy of the Just Recovery Kingston election toolkit.

If you want to help make these ideas Kingston’s reality, email us at
